Forgot to include 1 note in the earlier post on Food.
When they finish a meal, April and Bennett bring their dishes to the sink and put their sippy cups in the fridge themselves.
This morning after finishing second breakfast, Carter was very insistent about something (i.e. lots of excited babbling). He handed Lisa his bib, signaling he was done with the meal, and pointed to the kitchen. After he was removed from his booster seat, Carter took his milk and walked to the fridge and pointed. Lisa opened the fridge and Carter tried to put his milk bottle inside. When Lisa put the bottle in on the shelf next to April & Bennett's, he was very excited and clapped his hands.
Side notes:
o When Carter decides it is time to eat, he grabs his bib off the chair and brings it to you.
o Since Carter will not sleep under a sheet or blankets, we tried PJ's with feet on them. Carter tried to take the feet off and was not happy, so we changed him back to regular PJs. Bennett was disappointed in the morning and wanted to know if he could have them.
Yes, we are very proud of our boy.
Good for Carter on all counts! I have never seen such a kid for eating. It is really quite charming. He sure seems to be a quick study. Your transition has been amazingly quick! Congratulations!!! xo Sarah