Sunday, September 26, 2010

9/2010 Various

April and Bennett dressed up for Rosh Hashanah services.

Rare picture of the 4 of us together.

Bennett's first broken bone - an overturned (Little Tikes Coupe) car.

April's 1st horse ride.

8/2010 Off to Kindergarten

Can you believe April & Bennett started Kindergarten this year? They are having a great time and they love school, especially riding the bus.

7/2010 Xuzhou Reunion

Blog updates are like fine wine, best aged before posting ... Less is more ... Okay, so we have been slackers.

Today our goal is to post some brief updates and pictures.

In July, we had the 1st Annual Xuzhou Reunion (aka Families With Children Adopted From Xuzhou, China SWI Reunion) in Atlanta, GA! We had a wonderful time.

Here is April on the train at Stone Mountain with her best friend from the Xuzhou SWI.

Here is Bennett with his favorite Xuzhou girl.

5/2010 Beach - NC Outer Banks

4/2010 Family Picture