Sunday, March 13, 2011

3/13/11 - Day 4: Travel to Nanjing

We are here in Nanjing after a flight delay leaving Beijing. It's never a good sign when your boarding time comes and there is no plane at the gate. We now understand why people do not recommend flying Hainan Airlines internationally, no matter how attractive the ticket price.

Tomorrow is D-Day, aka "Gotcha Day". We leave to meet Carter and welcome him to our family at 2 pm. Hopefully he will not hate us and try making a run for it.


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to see those Gotcha photos!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh no!! Sorry about your travel woes!! And sooo glad you arrived safely!! We can hardly wait for your future posts and photos too!!!! What an exciting time for you and your family!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. I am excited and nervous for you, what a huge day awaits you all. Best of wishes, may your sweet Carter be open to the love of his new , forever family and may his new, forever family just love him to pieces. Can't wait to see the three kiddos together. I bet having the kids with you will make his transition so much smoother...for him...for you, well, chasing three around China...glad you brought extra adults along.

    I just love love love the photo of Bennett and April at Forbidden City. They have grown so much! They will be a huge help entertaining their baby brother. Just a few more hours away!!!

    Love from Texas,

    Sue, Arlie, Jia and Juni (also Xuzhou sweeties)

  4. Hello Slonims! We are loving your stories, pictures, and culinary reviews. What experiences! The food does sound awesome! I just spoke with Margaret. All is well in Terrell. Dogs are fine and she's doing well. Hope all went well with picking up Carter. We miss you! Love from John, Eileen, and Margaret, too. Emily

  5. Monday Morning... I imagine a breakfast buffet, a shopping trip, and an important errand all before trying to eat lunch and prepare your room for Carter's arrival.
    Have a most wonderful afternoon and first evening together.
    Looking forward to seeing you all together!
