Next stop was Zhan's Garden. It is a beautiful setting with waterfalls, ponds, rock gardens, and some historic artifacts. The kids were actually good in the museum and we actually got to listen without interruption to our guide Micheal and read the captions on the exhibits. After we exited the museum Lisa asked Bennett if he wanted a cracker. Bennett replied "Yes, after I go POOP". Mommy - "Do you have to go poop now?" [pleading]. Reply - "YES, SUPER BAD!!!". So commenced our rush to find a bathroom, which of course was at the other end of a maze of rock gardens and pagodas. Lisa and Bennett rushed into the bathroom, only to discover there were no Western toilets or toilet paper (not even outside the stalls as usual here). Wipes in hand, Lisa ventured into the forbidden land. Lisa had to hold Bennett over the hole and Bennett was scared he was going to fall in (crying "don't drop me"). Mommy assured him that she would never drop him
in the hole. But after the longest poop ever in history (and burning quads), he declared he was done. Then he did not want to wait for Mommy to pee - Hey, I'm done. Lisa was finally getting the hang of the squatty potty, but it is difficult when you are trying to convince your son not to open the door while you are squatting.
We had the afternoon to ourselves. After a family nap (preceeded by the usual April crashing quickly and Bennett declaring he was NOT tired ... zonk!, we took out some books and did some reading. April was really interested in all the books and kept asking for more. We played beach ball toss & kick again with the preschool set and their parents on the green at Nanjing Normal University. Then we were off to our new favorite restaurant for dinner. We hit the jackpot with our bus boy (we thought he was the waiter). The food was excellent as usual, but he took over and really took care of us (and refused a tip when I tried to press one on him). He corrected the waitresses errors on our order so we got the right pancakes this time, provided forks for the kids, brought special kids seats, and even served the noodles (wish we had him the 1st time before we entertained the restaurant and splooged the table and ourselves when we did it wrong from
the soup bucket). Bennett ignored Daddy's advice and was scared when the special beer hostess kept coming to our table to smile & flirt with him.
Tonight is our last night in Nanjing. We head to Guangzhou tomorrow and will stay there for the remainder of the trip (for the U.S. consulate paperwork & immigrant visa) after we get her Chinese passport.
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