Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You're doing what?

Introducing Carter Zhiyi!

Yes, we are adopting again. Carter just turned 2. We leave for China on March 8 and we get to meet him on March 14. We will go to Beijing first, then to Nanjing to meet Carter and visit his orphanage, and then head to Guangzhou for the U.S. consulate.

April and Bennett will be joining us, along with Grandma and Grandpa. We plan to blog about our trip while traveling.

April was at the same orphanage and is looking forward to the visit back. This will be her first time in Beijing.

Here are some pictures of our little linebacker (just turned 2 and supposedly over 30 lbs.).


  1. Adorable! Congratulations! Hoping I can talk my husband into one more :)

  2. Oh how absolutely wonderful!!! We are so excited for you and can't wait to follow along!!!!!!
    Jan, John & Jillian Rose

  3. Woo-Hoo! so happy that Adorable Carter will be with you all soon!

  4. Congratulations! He is just gorgeous. I am so glad to finally see his face. He is big! YY was only 18 lbs at that age. Am really looking forward to following your latest journey. Good for you for adding another to your wonderful family. xoxo Sarah

  5. Carter is just adorable, so happy you will be travelling in just a few weeks! Chasing three through China, sounds like such a fun time, and grandparents along to spoil them rotten and of course "help" too, wishing you the best! Tell Ms. T we are doing great in Texas, our XZ girls are just the bestest!!!

    Sue (momma to two from XZ)

  6. He is too cute! Can't wait to follow your journey. Love to A and B!

  7. Grandma and Grandpa's friends Nadine and Joel are so happy for your whole family! Mazel Tov on Carter..he looks so loveable.
