Wednesday, December 30, 2009

12/30/09 Wilbur (the pig) gets a bath

For Hannukah, Grandma and Grandpa gave April and Bennett books with matching stuffed animals. Bennett's book is "If you give a Moose a Muffin" and the stuffed animal is a moose he named Rudolph (that is a story for another time). April's book is "If you give a Pig a Party" and of course the stuffed animal is a pig. She went through a list of inappropriate names (no, you cannot name your pig Bennett) until we landed on Wilbur.

She loves Wilbur and he has been elevated to "most favored animal" status. He accompanied us to Duke and he sleeps with April at night.

This afternoon, April came into the bathroom while I was taking a shower. She announced that Wilbur needed a bath. When I rinsed the soap out of my eyes and took a look, there she was in the tub with soap, shampoo, washcloth and bucket. I said, rather quickly, "don't turn the water on!" and she responded, "I just pretend". And sure enough, Wilbur got a very thorough pretend bath complete with a toweling off and then was put down for a nap because he was very tired.


  1. I'm enjoying reading the update and seeing all the new pictures. Love the one of Murphy and April sleeping. Too cute! So glad April is doing so well. Really shows how well our children are cared for at XuZhou.

  2. Wow - you guys are back to blogging with a vengence! Glad they were good holidays - and extra glad that 'wilber' didn't get a soaking! ;)

    Happy New Year - and hugs -

    aus and co.

  3. I love the pictures and the update. I will be praying that all goes well, and smoothly during her surgery. That is awesome how much she has blossomed since coming home. Such a SMART little girl! They are precious together!

    Sheri (Leilah Di and Olivia Xia's Mommy...and Mom to many more!)
