Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First post

Welcome to our blog.. We are a family of 3 - soon to be a family of 4. We originally planned on starting a blog 2 years ago when we adopted our son from Russia.. Well 2 years later and we are on our way to adopt our daughter from China, we figured it was about time.


  1. I am so glad you have finally created a blog, just in time for us to follow your journey to April in China. I think she is just adorable! Rosy cheeks, and pigtails, doesn't get much better than that. Quite a handsome big brother too, it will be fun to watch your family grow.

    Thanks for inviting us along,

    (also waiting to bring home a Xuzhou cutie-pie)

  2. Hello Lisa, I am so excited to be following your blog. Our two sweeties seem to have become quite good friends. If you get a chance, please hug Fan Rang (Anna) for me. Hugs, Pamela ( also waiting to bring home a Xuzhou cutie-pie)

  3. Glad to see your blog so we can follow your journey to China. April is precious and I cannot wait to read about your first visit!!


    XuZhou mom to Wei Jia Ke

  4. Okay, I'm following, not stalking, and can't wait to see you hugging April in person!!!
    ChuWei's mommy
    home from XZ since April, 2009

  5. Hi Mark and Lisa,

    Thanks for sharing the blogsite. Your children are beautiful! I am so excited for you guys and look forward to hearing about your trip and seeing your pics.

    Happy travels!

  6. So exciting! found you from Duchess's blog! Can't wait to follow your journey! Blessings to you and your new little one :)

  7. Hi, My name is Sasha. I was adopted from Tikhvin in 2000. I was ten at the time. I am always excited when I hear of other being adopted from there. I still haven't met many others in person...but still love to hear about it!
